
Saturday 10 August 2013

Ignou MBA Solved Assignment MS 01 2013 Conflict is an integral part of organisational functioning

Question 3). Conflict is an integral part of organisational functioning. Briefly describe and discuss the impact of conflict on organisational functioning. Draw from your own experience or the situations and effect you are aware of in organisational set up with reference to the various impacts listed in the study material. Briefly describe the organisation, and the situation you are referring to.

Ans .
Conflict can be a serious problem in any organization. It might not bring about the demise of a firm, but it certainly can hurt an organization's performance as well as lead to the loss of many good employees. However, as we show in this chapter, all conflicts aren't bad. Conflict has a positive side as well as a negative side. We explain the differences in this chapter and provide a guide to help you understand how conflicts develop. We also present other topics –negotiation, and stress, which are closely related to conflict negotiation. But let's began by clarifying what we mean by conflict.

Group Identification and Intergroup Bias
Differences in Power. Status, and Culture
Scarce Resources
The Conflict Process

Ambiguous jurisdictions
Conflict of interest
Communication barriers
Dependence on one party
Differentiation in organization
Association of the parties
Behaviour regulation
Performance expectations
Competition for limited resources
Lack of cooperation
Unresolved prior conflicts

 There is always two side of coin in this way there is also positive and negative effect of conflict on the organisation so lets as discuss first negative effect of conflict :
Negative Effects of Conflict Within an Organization
        An organization is made up of groups of people, and within groups of people conflicts are inevitable. Part of the measure of a good executive and management team is how they handle conflict. When conflict management is successful, there are limited negative effects and the company can move forward in a productive manner. When management does not offer conflict resolution, there can be many negative effects on the company. Understanding the negative effects of conflict on your organization can help emphasize the importance of conflict management.
A company with weak management develops problems with conflict that continue for the long term. Employees see that management is unable to resolve conflicts within the company, and respect for the authority of management can be eroded. Insubordination develops because employees do not think management can maintain control over the company
Drop in Productivity
Allowing a conflict to continue means that employee attention becomes more focused on the conflict and not on productivity. As a problem is allowed to linger, employees will attach more importance to resolving the issue in their favor rather than attending to worker productivity.
Lack of Direction
Conflict can sometimes arise when management is unable to communicate the direction of the company to employees. Conflict will erupt as employees are allowed to interpret change within the company in their own way.
Conflict creates rival factions. Sometimes those factions are individuals, sometimes they are groups. Unresolved conflict can create tension between groups that may normally need to work together. Such rivalries can make progress within the company difficult.
Lack of New Ideas
Groups in conflict tend not to collaborate on new ideas. When conflict goes unresolved it can be difficult to create new ideas the company needs to solve problems it is facing.
Quality of Work
If a conflict is allowed to go on long enough, the parties involved may begin to show more interest in the conflict than in doing their jobs properly. Product quality can suffer, and in some cases the safety of the employees can be in jeopardy as well.
In some companies, deadlines are very important. Groups in conflict may start to push deadline limits as the conflict becomes more important than reaching their deadlines. When both sides think they are right and the conflict is not brought in check by management, the idea that each side must think they are right before they can move on will begin to affect important deadlines

The Positive & Negative Factors of a Conflict
Many psychologists or behavioral experts agree that conflicts are an inevitable and natural aspect of human interaction that occur both internally and externally and as a result of change. In addition, conflict itself cannot be thought of as good or bad, since clashing opinions, values and ideas themselves cannot be called right or wrong. If conflicts are managed effectively, they can have a positive effect. If they're not diffused properly, however, they can negatively impact people.
Positive: Identification of Problem
When a conflict arises, it means that different ways of tackling an issue have arisen and a solution cannot be achieved unless there is further discussion. Conflict can highlight where a group needs to focus its attention to move forward. In many cases, if conflict is avoided (for example, if one person gives in against her will or chooses to avoid antagonism altogether by not speaking up), it could lead to larger problems down the road. Therefore, engaging in conflict sooner can potentially prevent future conflicts, as well as point out where organizational changes must be made.
Positive: Encouragement of Cohesion
Any time a group engagement is encouraged, it has the potential to bond members more deeply. People will use communication skills as they try to find a solution to the problem. This enables a group to develop as a whole as members open up to see different viewpoints and perspectives, and might aid them in working together effectively in future disputes. Problem-solving can also attest to a group's unified strength and open-mindedness, since it shows commitment to their relationship and stability.
Inspire Creativity
Fortunately, some organization members view conflict as an opportunity for finding creative solutions to solve problems. Conflict can inspire members to brainstorm ideas, while examining problems from various perspectives.
Share And Respect Opinions
As organization members work together to solve conflict, they are more willing to share their opinions with the group. Conflict can also cause members to actively listen to each as they work to accomplish the organizations’ goals.
Improve Future Communication
Conflict can bring group members together and help them learn more about each other. From learning each others’ opinions on topics relevant to the organization’s growth to understanding each member’s preferred communication style, conflict within an organization can give members the tools necessary to easily solve conflicts in the future.
Identify New Members
Within organizations members actively participate in each meeting, enjoy serving on multiple committees and have an opinion on each topic the group discusses. There are also members who seemingly contribute little to the group and observe more than talk. Conflict within an organization can inspire typically silent members to step up and demonstrate their leadership skills by offering meaningful solutions to the problem the group is facing.

Dealing with conflict

Conflicts are inescapable in an organization. However, conflicts can be used as motivators for healthy change. In today's environment, several factors create competition; they may be differing departmental objectives, individual objectives, competition for use of resources or differing viewpoints. These have to be integrated and exploited efficiently to achieve organizational objectives.
A manager should be able to see emerging conflicts and take appropriate pre-emptive action. The manager should understand the causes creating conflict, the outcome of conflict, and various methods by which conflict can be managed in the organization. With this understanding, the manager should evolve an approach for resolving conflicts before their disruptive repercussions have an impact on productivity and creativity. Therefore, a manager should possess special skills to react to conflict situations, and should create an open climate for communication between conflicting parties.
Ways to resolve conflict

When two groups or individuals face a conflict situation, they can react in four ways (De Bono, 1985). They can:
· Fight, which is not a beneficial, sound or gratifying approach to dealing with a conflict situation, as it involves 'tactics, strategies, offensive and defensive positions, losing and winning grounds, and exposure of weak points.' Fighting as a way of resolving a conflict can only be useful in courtroom situations, where winning and losing becomes a by-product of the judicial process.
· Negotiate, towards a settlement with the other party. Negotiations take place within the prevailing situation and do not involve problem solving or designing. Third-party roles are very important in bringing the conflicting parties together on some common ground for negotiations.
· Problem solve, which involves identifying and removing the cause of the conflict so as to make the situation normal again. However, this may not be easy. It is also possible that the situation may not become normal even after removing the identified cause, because of its influence on the situation.
· Design, which is an attempt towards creativity in making the conflict situation normal. It considers conflicts as situations rather than problems. Designing is not confined to what is already there, but attempts to reach what might be created given a proper understanding of the views and situations of the conflicting parties. The proposed idea should be appropriate and acceptable to the parties in conflict. A third party participates actively in the design process rather than being just a an umpire.

Question 4).How do you see the relationship between leadership styles and leadership Theories? Describe, explain and relate your answer with the experience you have had in the organisational set up yourself or you are aware of. Describe the situation and the organisation briefly, which you are referring to
Ans :
Leadership Theory vs. Leadership Style
             Leadership theory is a discipline that focuses on finding out what makes successful leaders excel in what they do. The primary distinction between leadership theory and leadership style is that leadership style falls under the overall umbrella of leadership theory. In other words, leadership style is one of many examples covered with leadership theory. Leadership style focuses specifically on the traits and behaviors of leaders.
Leadership Theory
Since businesses are always striving to find great leaders that can lead them to success, much effort has been put forth into finding out how they operate. More specifically, businesses are trying to identify the characteristics and behaviors associated with the best leaders. As a result, many leadership theories have been developed over the years that attempt to explain what makes a leader great. Businesses figure if they can identify the traits that make a successful leader, they can not only identify potential leaders more readily, but also can hone in on those specific skills for improvement.
Examples of Leadership Theory
In the beginning, leadership theories focused primarily on specific characteristics and behaviors of leaders. However, as time went on, theories began to focus more on a leader's followers and the contextual nature of leadership. For example, the early theories, such as the great man theory and the trait theory, focused specifically on innate qualities leaders are born with. Within the next phase -- which includes behaviorist theory, situational leadership theory, and contingency theory -- focus shifted more toward what leaders do versus what traits they have. The final stage includes transactional theory and transformational theory, where the relationship between the leader and his followers is explored.
Leadership Style
Leadership style is modeled after a leader's behaviors, which is encompassed under behaviorist theory. Within this category, different patterns of leadership behavior are observed and then categorized as leadership styles. Practicing managers tend to be the most interested in researching this particular theory because with it leaders have the ability to alter their style based on the beliefs, values, preferences and culture of the organization they work for.
Examples of Leadership Style
Leadership styles can be broken down in several different ways depending on what information is being looked at. For example, an organization interested in how decisions are made may define leaders as either being autocratic or democratic. Another organization may have more interest in how leaders handle situations and choose to define them as being charismatic, participative, situational, transactional, transformational, quiet or servant-like. One more way to differentiate leadership styles is according to whether leaders are task-oriented or people-oriented. Task-oriented leaders are said to have a considerate style and people-oriented leaders an initiating-structure style.
Leadership Styles and Theory
·         Leadership is the process of motivating a group of people to act towards accomplishing a common task. There are number of recognized versions, or styles, of leadership, some of which have been shown to be more effective than others. In 1939, a group of researchers led by German-American psychologist Kurt Lewin identified three major leadership styles: authoritarian or autocratic; participative or democratic; and delegative. Good leaders may well adopt some element of all of the styles of leadership.

·         Autocratic leaders seek to have the most authority in decision-making and provide the rest of the group with clear expectations regarding what needs to be done and how it should be done. They try to make as many decisions as possible and consultation is minimal. This leadership style is effective on short-term projects or in environments where employees are poorly motivated or need to perform low-skilled tasks.

·         This leadership style offers some benefits to managers who use it. It reduces their stress levels as they know they have full control and it also improves the working speed of poorly motivated employees, who know they are being watched by a leader. One of the main disadvantages of this style is that by making all the decisions, the leader doesn't give the other members of the group the opportunity to start their leadership development. By taking all responsibility, the leader works at full capacity, which can lead to health problems and poor working relationships with colleagues.

·         Participative or democratic leadership style is generally seen to be the most effective. Democratic leaders offer guidance to group members and participate in the group. Democratic leadership promotes sharing of responsibility and continual consultation. The leader delegates tasks to each member of the group and gives full control over them. Democratic leaders encourage others to get involved in leadership development.

·         This leadership style has many benefits. Employees that are given responsibility tend to become more enthusiastic about their work and are involved more in the accomplishment of their task. Consulting the other members of the group and giving and receiving feedback results in better decision making and creative thinking. But consulting over every decision can be time-consuming and can cause opportunities to be missed.

·         Delegative leadership style gives little or no guidance to group members, but allows them to make the decisions. This style can be effective in situations where group members are highly qualified or when the leader trusts them. However, it can lead to poorly defined roles within the group and a lack of motivation.

·         Over time, many other leadership theories have been developed. Most can be classified as one of the eight major types.

·         "Great Man" theories assume that great leaders are born, not made. Leaders have exceptional qualities and are destined to lead. They are portrayed as heroes who will rise to leadership when needed.

·         Trait theories are similar to "Great Man" theories. These theories assume that people inherit certain qualities and traits that are suited to leadership.

·         Contingency theories state that no leadership style is suited for all situations. Success depends on situational factors, including the leadership style and the abilities and behavior of the followers.

·         Situational theories assume that the best action of the leader depends on a range of situational variables including motivation and capability of followers.

·         Behavioral theories are based on the assumption that great leaders are made, not born. They don't focus on the leaders' inborn traits, but on what they can do. According to these theories, leadership can be learned, rather than being inherent.

·         Participative theories assume that the members of the group make decisions together while leaders help them feel more relevant within the group.

·         Management theories, also known as transactional theories, are based on a system of rewards and punishments. The leader creates a clear structure which states what is required from each member of the group. Transactional leadership is mainly used in companies, when the employees' performance is good, they are rewarded and when it is poor they are reprimanded.

·         Relationship theories, also known as transformational theories, focus on the relationships between the leader and the members of the group. Transformational leaders put passion and energy in everything and inspire and motivate the members of the group. These leaders focus on the performance of each member group and help them fulfill their potential.

·         Leadership Leadership is the process where a person exerts influence over others and inspires, motivates and directs their activities to achieve goals.Effective leadership increases the firm’s ability to meet new challenges.Leader:The person exerting the influence.Personal Leadership Style:the ways leaders choose to influence others.Some leaders delegate and support subordinates, others are very authoritarian.Managers at all levels have their own leadership style.

·         Leadership Across CulturesLeadership styles may vary over different cultures.European managers tend to be more people-oriented than American or Japanese managers.Japanese culture is very collective oriented, while American focuses more on profitability.Time horizons also are affected by cultures.U.S. firms often focus on short-run efforts.Japanese firms take a longer-term outlook.

·         Sources of PowerUsed to affect other’s behavior and get them to act in given ways.Legitimate Power:manager’s authority resulting by their management position in the firm.Can be power to hire/fire workers, assign work.Reward Power:based on the manager’s ability to give or withhold rewards.Pay raises, bonuses, verbal praise.Effective managers use reward power to signal employees they are doing a good job.

·         Sources of PowerCoercive Power:based in ability to punish others.Ranges from verbal reprimand to pay cuts to firing.Can have serious negative side effects.Expert Power:based on special skills of leader.First & middle managers have most expert power.Often found in technical ability.Referent Power:results from personal characteristics of the leader which earn worker’s respect, loyalty and admiration.Usually held by likable managers who are concerned about their workers.

·         EmpowermentProcess of giving workers at all levels authority to make decisions and the responsibility for their outcomes. Empowerment helps managers:Get workers involved in the decisions.Increase worker commitment and motivation.To focus on other issues.Effective managers usually empower substantial authority to workers.

·         Leadership Models Trait Model:sought to identify personal characteristics responsible for effective leadership.Research shows that traits do appear to be connected to effective leadership.Many “traits” are the result of skills and knowledge.Not all effective leaders possess all these traits. Behavioral Model:Identifies types of behavior.Consideration:leaders show care toward workers. Employee-centered.Initiating Structure:managers take steps to make sure work is done. Done by assigning work, setting goals, etc.Job-oriented.

·         Consideration & Initiating StructureRate manager from 1 (never does) to 5 (always does)NOTE: for full survey, see Figure 13.2 in textFigure 13.2ConsiderationInitiating StructureIs friendly, approachableDo little things to make it funto be a member of groupGive advance notice of changesWilling to make changesTreats group members as equalsTries out ideas in the groupLets group members know what is expectedAssigns workers to tasksSchedules work to be doneMaintains standardsof performance

·         Theories of LeadershipTrait theories:Is there a set of characteristics that determine a good leader?Personality?Dominance and personal presence?Charisma?Self confidence?Achievement?Ability to formulate a clear vision?

·         Theories of LeadershipTrait theories:Are such characteristics inherently gender biased?Do such characteristics produce good leaders?Is leadership more than just bringing about change?Does this imply that leaders are born not bred?

·         Theories of LeadershipBehavioural:Imply that leaders can be trained – focus on the way of doing thingsStructure based behavioural theories – focus on the leader instituting structures – task orientatedRelationship based behavioural theories – focus on the development and maintenance of relationships – process orientated

·         Contingency Models Fiedler’s Model:effective leadership is contingent on both the characteristics of the leader and the situation. Leader style:the enduring, characteristic approach to leadership a manager uses.Relationship-oriented:concerned with developing good relations with workers.Task-oriented:concerned that workers perform so the job gets done.

·         Fiedler’s Model Situation characteristic:how favorable a given situation is for leading to occur.Leader-member relations:determines how much workers like and trust their leader.Task structure:extent to which workers tasks are clear-cut. Clear issues make a situation favorable for leadership.Position Power:amount of legitimate, reward, & coercive power a leader has due to their position.When positional power is strong, leadership opportunity becomes more favorable.

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