Explain the following terms
in the context of Operating System:
Serial processing
Command Processor
. Serial
Processing: The Serial Processing Operating Systems are those which
Performs all the instructions into aSequence Manner or the
Instructions those are given by the user will be executed by using the
FIFO Manner means First in First Out. All the Instructions those are
Entered First in the System will be Executed First and the Instructions those
are Entered Later Will be Executed Later. For Running the Instructions
the Program Counter is used which is used for Executing all the Instructions
The Command Processor functionality in Windows
Embedded CE includes a command processor shell (Cmd.exe) that is similar to
Command.com in Windows 95 and Cmd.exe in Microsoft Windows NT®. The command
processor shell is a command-line-driven shell that provides a limited number
of commands. The Console Window is available on display-based systems to
provide a window through which the Command Processor can provide output and
accept input.
The Command Processor requires the Standard IO (STDIO) Catalog item.
For headless OS designs, the Command Processor also requires the FormatMessage
API and Full C Run-Time Catalog items and either the National Language Support
(NLS) Catalog item or the English (US) National Language Support only Catalog
item. The Console Window requires the Command Processor Catalog item.
To overcome the problem of underutilization of CPU and
main memory, the multiprogramming was introduced. The multiprogramming is
interleaved execution of multiple jobs by the same computer. In
multiprogramming system, when one program is waiting for I/O transfer; there is
another program ready to utilize the CPU. So it is possible for several jobs to
share the time of the CPU. But it is important to note that multiprogramming is
not defined to be the execution of jobs at the same instance of time. Rather it
does mean that there are a number of jobs available to the CPU (placed in main
memory) and a portion of one is executed then a segment of another and so on.
UNIX was one of the first operating systems to be written
in a high-level programming language, namely C. This meant that it could be
installed on virtually any computer for which a C compiler existed. This
natural portability combined with its low price made it a popular choice among
universities. (It was inexpensive because antitrust regulations prohibited Bell
Labs from marketing it as a full-scale product.) Unix is a multitasking system. This means that
Unix has the ability to handle more than one task at a time. These tasks might
be several programs that any particular user wants to run, or they may be
programs run by several users at once. Multitasking, combined with being a
multi-user system, makes it possible for more than one person to be logged in
and using a Unix system at once. This is true for any Unix system, not just
large timesharing systems. Even small, desktop systems have the capability to
support multiple concurrent users. Additionally, some of the tasks that the
system could be doing, and probably is doing, can be system tasks related to
keeping the system going and providing the services needed by the users.
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