
Thursday, 5 September 2013

IGNOU BCA 3rd sem Solved Assignment - What is an exception? How an exception is different from an error? Explain how exceptions are handled in C++, with the help of an example program

What is an exception?  How an exception is different from an error? Explain how exceptions are handled in C++, with the help of an example program
Exception is a condition Which is Responsible for Occurrence of Error Like Divide by Zero is an condition that never be possible So we can call it an Exception which halts or stops the Execution of Program In java there is an Exception Class Which is Responsible for producing an Error Message when an Error has occurred. 
when an Exception has occurred then compiler will never reach to the Code that is placed after the block which contains an error. So that  there is special Mechanism given by java for handling Exceptions When as Exception has occurred then the Compiler will generate an Exception Code  to an Exception Class and with the help of Exception object.  So if we wants to Execute Statements then we have to handle Exception  For handling Exceptions java provides us special Mechanism which is called as Exception handling Mechanism Java provide following Methods for handling Exceptions those are occurred in a program

An exception is a class that takes advantage of language semantics. As others have stated, exceptions interrupt execution up the stack until caught. An exception can be used to convey an error, but more generally is used to convey that something exceptional has occurred.
Errors, on the other hand, can be exceptional or not.
There are several kinds of errors:
  • User error - this should be handled without an exception
  • Syntax error - this shouldn't compile in statically typed languages (in dynamic languages, they're a little harder to discover)
  • Runtime error - this will either result in an exception, or silently fail (usually creating unexpected results)
Really, exceptions should be limited to handling runtime errors, since a user inputting bad data is not "exceptional." To handle user errors, you should take the following approaches:
  • Prevent bad data from being input (front-end validation)
  • Prevent bad data from being persisted (back-end validation)
Exceptions should be used as a "last line of defense" for user error. If you're writing a persistence layer, you can rely on exceptions to ensure that bad data that falls through validation does not get persisted. You should, however, fix any of these by putting a fix in the validation that prevents the error from occurring in the first place.
Error: Any departure from the expected behavior of the system or program, which stops the working of the system is an error.

Exception:Any error or problem which one can handle and continue to work normally.

Note that in Java a compile time error is normally called an "error," while a runtime error is called an "exception."
Errors don't have subclasses while exception has two subclasses, they are compile time exception or checked exception (ClassNotFound Exception, IOException, SQLException etc.) and runtime or unchecked exception(ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception, NumberFormat Exception).

Exception handling is a construct designed to handle the occurrence of exceptions, that is special conditions that changes the normal flow of program execution. Since when designing a programming task (a class or even a function), one cannot always assume that application/task will run or be completed correctly (exit with the result it was intended to). It may be the case that it will be just inappropriate for that given task to report an error message (return an error code) or just exit. To handle these types of cases, C++ supports the use of language constructs to separate error handling and reporting code from ordinary code, that is, constructs that can deal with these exceptions (errors and abnormalities) and so we call this global approach that adds uniformity to program design theexception handling.
An exception is said to be thrown at the place where some error or abnormal condition is detected. The throwing will cause the normal program flow to be aborted, in a raised exception. An exception is thrown programmatic, the programmer specifies the conditions of a throw.
In handled exceptions, execution of the program will resume at a designated block of code, called a catch block, which encloses the point of throwing in terms of program execution. The catch block can be, and usually is, located in a different function/method than the point of throwing. In this way, C++ supports non-local error handling. Along with altering the program flow, throwing of an exception passes an object to the catch block. This object can provide data that is necessary for the handling code to decide in which way it should react on the exception.
Consider this next code example of a try and catch block combination for clarification:
void AFunction()
    // This function does not return normally,
    // instead execution will resume at a catch block.
    // The thrown object is in this case of the type char const*,
    // i.e. it is a C-style string. More usually, exception
    // objects are of class type.
    throw "This is an exception!";

void AnotherFunction()
    // To catch exceptions, you first have to introduce
    // a try block via " try { ... } ". Then multiple catch
    // blocks can follow the try block.
    // " try { ... } catch(type 1) { ... } catch(type 2) { ... }"
       // Because the function throws an exception,
       // the rest of the code in this block will not
       // be executed
    catch(char const* pch)  // This catch block
                            // will react on exceptions
                            // of type char const*
        // Execution will resume here.
        // You can handle the exception here.
               // As can be seen
    catch(...) // The ellipsis indicates that this
               // block will catch exceptions of any type.
       // In this example, this block will not be executed,
       // because the preceding catch block is chosen to
       // handle the exception.
Unhandled exceptions on the other hand will result in a function termination and the stack will be unwound (stack allocated objects will have destructors called) as it looks for an exception handler. If none is found it will ultimately result in the termination of the program.
From the point of view of a programmer, raising an exception is a useful way to signal that a routine could not execute normally. For example, when an input argument is invalid (e.g. a zero denominator in division) or when a resource it relies on is unavailable (like a missing file, or a hard disk error). In systems without exceptions, routines would need to return some special error code. However, this is sometimes complicated by the semi-predicate problem, in which users of the routine need to write extra code to distinguish normal return values from erroneous ones.

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