
Tuesday, 20 August 2013

MS 11 IGNOU MBA Solved Assignment -Discuss the concept of strategic alliances. Why do organizations pursue strategic alliances? Explain with the help of an example

Discuss the concept of strategic alliances. Why do organizations pursue strategic alliances? Explain with the help of an example
Ans :
A strategic alliance is a relationship between two or more entities that agree to share resources to achieve a mutually beneficial objective. For example, a company manufactures and distributes a product in the United States and desires to sell it in other countries. Another company wants to expand its product line with the type of product the first company creates, and has a worldwide distribution channel. The two companies establish an alliance to expand the distribution of the first company’s product.
Critical Success Factors
A successful strategic alliance is mutually beneficial to the two companies involved. Each must see a clear benefit from the arrangement. The responsibilities of each company in implementing the alliance must be clearly identified. Both parties must agree on the objectives of the relationship and be flexible and adaptable in the operation of the alliance. Each company may have a different culture and method of doing business.
Basic Steps
To secure a strategic alliance, define what type of partner you are seeking, along with the ideal characteristics of a partner. Clearly identify what strengths you could offer the other party and why the potential partner would want to forge a relationship with you. Develop a list of potential alliance candidates. If possible, contact alliance partners through someone you both know. If that isn’t feasible, send out a direct letter outlining your interest and asking for an opportunity to explore a relationship. Have an exploratory meeting and, if there is an interest, develop a letter of understanding outlining how both partners will work together and how money will be allocated. Have your attorney prepare a formal agreement for both of you to sign.
Strategic alliances permit a company to pursue an opportunity more quickly, leveraging the resources and knowledge of the other party. Fewer resources are required than if a company pursued an opportunity on its own. An alliance can provide easier access to new opportunities and a lower barrier to entry.
Implementing and managing a strategic alliance may be difficult because each alliance partner has a different way of operating. Mistrust could occur, particularly when competitive or proprietary information is involved. The alliance partners could become more dependent on each other, making it difficult to operate again as separate entities if required.
A successful alliance builds on the strengths of each party. Do not quickly relegate the details of a relationship to an attorney without your involvement. Successful strategic alliances are built on establishing and nurturing relationships. This is particularly important during the early stages.

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