
Friday, 23 August 2013

MS 68 IGNOU MBA Solved Assignment -Discuss the relevance and significance of creativity in adverting with suitable Illustrations.

Discuss the relevance and significance of creativity in adverting with suitable                Illustrations.Ans :ADVERTISINGOVERVIEWAdvertising has a very important and vital role in the image building and marketing of productsand or services in this rapidly changing competitive world. In this lecture we will explain thecreativity in advertising, its meaning aspects and different steps in the creative process.Simultaneously we will also explore the concept of research along with how to create majorselling ideas and style of selling. This will help in understanding various creative stages andtheir importanceCREATIVITY IN ADVERTISINGCreativity is at the heart of everything we do our ability to transform strategic thinking intoideas enables us to develop creative communications that work in the market whether it is print,radio or television add, a corporate broacher or an annual report creativity makes our workstandout.Creativity means being novel and appropriate. It is the ability to generate fresh unique andappropriate ideas that can be use as solution to communication problem.There are three difference stages of creativity in advertising namely, create, creation andcreative.CREATE: It means to bring something in to being and originate a new and unique idea.CREATION: After the process of creating or originating a new idea be created originalproduct of human invention or imagination leads to creation.CREATIVE: In order to understand the creativity or being creative can be translated intoseeing same thing as everybody else but thinking differently.Three aspects are most accepted:For advertising being creative three aspects are universally most accepted these are the creativeprocess, creative person and in this perspective the creative situation. These aspects areexplained below:·The creative process. It means receiving most of attention, focusing on mechanism &phases involved during the process one partakes in a creative act.·The creative person. This relates to the personality traits of creative people who areresponsible and central to this process.·The creative situation. In this situation the criteria & characteristics of creativity areconsidered to provide workable, acceptable and practical aspects of the situation.Four Rules of Creativity:There are generally four basic rules to be kept in mind during the creativity process these arementioned below:1. Make the product relevant to customer.2. It should be promise to the customer.3. Don't let it stand alone.4. Always put product in the centre of the commercialThe Importance of Ad Creative in Mobile AdvertisingPosted on April 20, 2012 by Rituraj BorahMobile advertising is quickly gaining recognition as one of the most effective forms of Digital Marketing available today. With budgets running into billions of dollars in the United States alone, marketers are racing to test and run campaigns for every type of client from bug spray to Band-Aids. The novelty of mobile ads was originally cited to be the prime factor contributing to their relative advantage over traditional Web ads. However with newer research released, the novelty factor has given way to real results and effective ad creative is an essential component of mobile’s growing success.Crafting engaging mobile ad creative is perhaps the most important aspect of mobile marketing. While there are a number of possible variations, one important fact about mobile ad creative is the underlying divergence from traditional online advertising. What works on desktop will not necessarily find success with mobile search or display campaigns.Researchers are testing newer strategies to make ad creative more proficient, and have come up with a myriad of actions the drive engagement. According to a study by Dynamic Logic the following characteristics are identified as the key to driving a successful mobile ad, and can be applied to both display and search campaigns where applicable.·         The location of a brand name or logo within a mobile ad matters: Left-side brand placement is generally most effective and has a strong impact on advertising recall.
·         A strong call-to-action encourages ad response rate and helps drive purchase intent.
·         Other successful campaigns have included discount offers and social media connectivity which can increase initial click through and encourage further engagement.
 Creative Optimization in Action (Case Study: Major Satellite TV Provider)After re-evaluating and optimizing the campaign creative for a major satellite TV provider we found these small changes made for big results.Total calls delivered by these small changes, increased by 564%. The data here speaks for itself, and drives home the fact that ad creative and copy is perhaps the most important ingredient of a mobile campaign. The ad can be setup to target the perfect audience, utilizing the most specific lat/long data available. But if the creative isn’t relevant, the ad will more than likely fail.So moral of the story, mobile ad copy and creative should be short, sweet, and include a relevant and value oriented call to action. Whether optimizing display or search campaign creative, the key is to test, test, and test again. The mobile audience is a constantly mobile and evolving target. But by leveraging our unique search behavior and user engagement data, we can shift along with mobile users to continually optimize campaigns and ensure performance goals are not just met, but often exceeded.

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