
Friday, 23 August 2013

MS 95 IGNOU MBA Solved Assignment -Discuss the significance and importance of the elements that make up the complete research problem

Discuss the significance and importance of the elements that make up the complete research problem
        Research problems vary from easy to complex, according to the number of variables and the nature of their relationship.
        A research problem refers to some difficulty either of a theoretical or practical character which an individual or organization is experiencing and wants to obtain a solution for the same. An appropriate definition of research problem will allow the investigator to be on the right path, on the other hand an ill defined problem may create challenges. In fact, a problem clearly stated is a problem half solved. In real sense formulation of a problem is often a lot more crucial than its solution. It is only on careful detailing the research problem that we can work out research design and can smoothly carry on all the consequential steps involved while doing research. There are a number of elements (components) which a problem must have before it becomes a research problem ready for study.

Following are the 5 Elements of a Research Problem
1. Positioning the research
2. Developing a research road map
3. Getting your ideas across


  • Your research must be positioned at the intersection of your gifts, your interests and what society needs. It must be so positioned that it plays to your strengths.
  • To develop a road map, you need to create an exciting applicationscenario that will motivate you and help you focus your efforts. Also, pick the right problems to work on. Know what has been done and estimate its impacts.
  • To get your ideas across, you need to impart an understanding with your audience. Involve them and ask questions. An ideal presentation would be one that is informative, interesting and insightful.

1. Objective or aim of the problem which is to be investigated. This answers the question “Why?” Why is there a need for investigation, inquiry or study?
2. The topic or theme which needs to be investigated. This answers the question “What?” What is to be researched or studied?” For example: What would a rival company do if we decrease our prices by 25%? 3. The time dimension of a decision problem is always the future. The period or time of the study when the data are to be gathered. This answers the question “When?” When is the research to be performed?”
4. The area or location in which the study is to be conducted. This answers the question “Where?” Where we need to conduct the study?
5. Population or universe from whom the data needs to be gathered. This answers the question “Who?” or “from whom?” Who are the respondents? From who are the data to be collected?”

Characteristics of a Good Research Problem:

  T-Time Bomb/Time Conscious

  The topic should be of good interest to you.
  1. Useful for the concerned people in a particular field
  2. Progress Novelty  
  3. Invites more complex designs / more variables
  4. Time-bounded
  5. Does not carry ethical or moral impediments

There are three main elements of a research problem. They are:
Thus, to excel in research, we must position R&D strategically, identify and formulate high-impact problems and communicate our ideas and our research results effectively.

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