
Saturday, 17 August 2013

MS 06 IGNOU MBA Solved Assignment - Discuss Product Life Cycle concept and elaborate on the importance of PLC

Question.3) (b) Discuss Product Life Cycle concept and elaborate on the importance of PLC as a tool for monitoring and nurturing a  the brand. Illustrate with suitable examples.

Ans :    First referenced in the 1920s, the product life cycle applies biological knowledge to products. In nature, a seed is planted, begins to sprout, becomes an adult then eventually withers away and dies. The product life cycle focuses on introduction (seed), growth (sprout), maturity (tree) and decline (death) phases. Each phase has its own marketing mix strategy and implications regarding product, price, distribution and promotion.
Life Cycle Length and Incubation Period
Sometimes, the life cycle concept applies to a brand or category of product. Fad items have a cycle of a few months, but some categories, such as the gasoline automobile, will be around for at least a century. During its incubation period, the product is developed and perfected. There are no sales during this preparatory period, but the manufacturer prepares for the product’s introduction into the marketplace.
Introduction Stage
You can expect sales to be low while you perform introductory marketing to create awareness. Your primary goal during this stage is not to make a profit. Instead, you want to let customers know what your product does, and why it is special. Typically, you will introduce one product at a time, keeping the price either high for skim pricing--the most common--or low for penetration pricing. Initial distribution is selective, but broadens gradually based on your distribution plan. Early efforts focus on promotion and recognition. Until customers know about the product, they will not buy it.
Growth Stage
The growth stage is all about increasing sales and gaining consumer loyalty. Competitors usually appear during the end of the growth phase. Increased advertising builds brand preferences. Continuing to roll out new product features, improvements or upgrades keeps your customers wanting more. If demand for your product remains high, you can respond by keeping the price at a high level or reducing the price to broaden your market share. Distribution should be intensive during this phase to get the product out to your entire consumer base.
Maturity Stage
If your product survives the first two stages, it will spend the most time in this phase. During the maturity stage, you will seek to maintain market share and extend your product's life cycle. Tweaking your product to make it unique helps it stand out from competitors. Keeping an eye on the competition and pricing your product accordingly conserves market share, while avoiding price wars. Widen distribution and offer incentives to sellers to keep your product on the shelf. Finally, promoting brand loyalty and offering consumer incentives spurs customers to switch to your brand.
Decline Stage
During the decline stage, demand for your product decreases along with both price and profit margin. Now, you have three choices: maintain the product and hope competitors do not, harvest the product and continue making profit as long as possible, or discontinue the product. Reducing the number of products, and refreshing the packaging can make them look new again. Lowering prices helps liquidate inventory, but if your product continues to serve a niche market, maintaining prices keeps profits coming in. Phasing out less successful distribution channels and focusing promotions on brand image for future products is a good strategy.

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