
Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Write an interactive program called “WEIGHT CONVERTER” that accepts the weight in milligrams / decigrams / centigrams / kilograms /ounces / pounds / tons and displays its equivalent in grams.

Write an interactive program called “WEIGHT CONVERTER”
that accepts the weight in milligrams / decigrams / centigrams /
kilograms /ounces / pounds / tons and displays its equivalent in

#include <stdio.h>

void print_converted(int pounds)

/* Convert U.S. Weight to Imperial and International

   Units. Print the results */

{       int stones = pounds / 14;

        int uklbs = pounds % 14;

        float kilos_per_pound = 0.45359;

        float kilos = pounds * kilos_per_pound;

        printf("   %3d          %2d  %2d        %6.2f",

                pounds, stones, uklbs, kilos);


main(int argc,char *argv[])

{       int pounds;

        if(argc != 2)

        {        printf("Usage: convert weight_in_pounds");



        sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &pounds); /* Convert String to int */

        printf(" US lbs      UK st. lbs       INT Kg");



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